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Finding Joy in the Cracks: a 12 Minute Convo
Randye Kaye brings her work as a professional theater and improv actor to create the space and teach skills for human connection.
…She’s currently working on a solo show tentatively titled, “Cracks and All” and studies with comic Lisa Lampanelli.
She’s a musical theater junkie, and you can find her singing along, wearing overalls, as she attempts to cook. She does make a stupendous white chocolate cheesecake.
The Neurology Lounge Podcast: Randye Speaks with Dr. Ibrahim Imam
Our conversation chronicled her experience of witnessing and managing her son’s struggles with schizophrenia. She highlighted the long prodrome of adolescent behavioural and mood changes which she pointed out typifies the onset of the illness in boys as opposed to girls.
She discussed many of the other early indicators of the illness which the family and his teachers normalised and explained away as adolescent adjustment, and these included social isolation, paranoid and grandiose ideas, odd behaviours.
We also discussed the progression of Ben’s illness as he performed poorly academically and dropped out of school, and as he struggled to maintain his family relationships and friendships.
A Student Writes: Writer Randye Kaye Helps UB Students Find their Happy
““Words have power,” said Kaye. “Words lead you to a better place. The words you say to other people lead you somewhere.”
I left this lecture with more awareness. Much of what Kaye shared reinforced familiar ideas about mindfulness and positivity. Affirmations, distractions, self-worth, memory, and self-improvement all come back to the notion of appreciating life.””
The Lisa Wexler Show: Third Appearance
Author, speaker, actress, Randye Kaye returns to The Lisa Wexler Show to continue the conversation about how her family copes with her son's schizophrenia and the lack of state resources.
Hello Hot Flash Podcast: Embrace Midlife Challenges in the Workplace
In this episode, you can hear from five amazing women - Lora, Marybeth, Randye, Shulamit, and Stephanie - who share their personal stories of embracing midlife challenges and achieving their goals.
Multiplying Impact: Contributing to Two New Anthology Projects
Every so often, we authors get a chance to add our voices to those of others experiencing similar challenges and passions, and we get the bonus of reading each others’ words and being a part of a new community of writers and readers.
How to seek Hope in the Hard Things in Life
Annie Meehan and Randye on Annie’s show H3 TV: How to Navigate Disruption with Hope, Health, and Happiness (and a touch of Humor)
Love, Strength and Success: The Power of Self-Worth
Host Endre Hoffman is a speaker, author and mentor: The Doctor of Self-Worth. We met in an online conference and continued the conversation after we left the zoom room.
This is the first time I've been asked to tell my abandonment story on a podcast. Human engagement at work!
Joining the “Real 50 over 50” List
Now a new member in THE WISDOM REVOLUTION - The Real 50 over 50 -a visibility project featuring 50+ women over 50 who are quietly making a difference - or, in my case, not always so quietly.
We chatted live and here it is for you!
a weekly LIVE interview series and so much more
Grammy in Overalls and On Stage: Konversations with Keeme
Today's chat is with Randye Kaye- an actress, broadcaster, author and singer, with credits that include 20 years as a Connecticut radio personality (STAR 99.9, WSHU, and her podcast The Life Talk Show), and theatre appearances in NYC and Connecticut. Favorite stage roles include Broadway Bound (Kate), Momoirs (original production with Theatre Artists Workshop), Nunsense 1 and 3 (Sr. Robert Anne, directed by Danny Goggin), Into the Woods (Baker's Wife) and Guys and Dolls (Adelaide), Randye does voice-over and on-camera work in commercials, corporate film, telephony and audiobooks. She is the author of Ben Behind His Voices: One Family's Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope, and was nominated for a Listen Up! Award for the audiobook version.
Inside Mental Health Podcast: Happier Made Simple with Randye Kaye
veryone wants to be happy, but reaching that goal is quite complicated. For example, what does happiness even look like for you? Many of us haven’t defined it in our own minds. Then we get to more complex questions like, is it even possible for humans to truly be happy?
Join us as noted voice-over talent, podcaster, and actress Randye Kaye explains that our goal shouldn’t be happiness; it should be to be happier. She explains why that distinction is important and how we can get there. And, you guessed it, she shares how this can be a much simpler process.
A Psychiatrist, A Mom/Advocate & A Judge Tackle Schizophrenia Treatment - Lisa Wexler Show
Dr. Christine Shapter, whose specialties include Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & author/radio host/podcaster, Randye Kaye, who has written extensively on experiencing life with a schizophrenic son, join Lisa Wexler to talk about the nature of schizophrenia, legal processes when people are in need of care and Randye's first experience navigating our criminal justice system.
On Your Mind Podcast: Guest on Journey’s Dream
Through the trenches of schizophrenia, love becomes our compass, resilience our strength, and hope our guide. A passionate advocate and author, Randye Kaye shares her journey as a mother navigating the challenges of having a child with schizophrenia, alongside two other mothers in a similar situation.