Keynotes & Other Programs
Human Engagement Speaker Randye Kaye
Randye is often in demand as a keynote speaker, including recent appearances for: APNA, APA, National Council Mental Health and Addiction; Arizona State; NAMI, several states and National; Fellowship Place in New Haven, Bridgeport Regional Business Council/Women’s Leadership Council; Fairfield University ; NAMI Walks Kickoff Luncheon; Workshop Leader at the “Passion in Action” Women’s Conference on the Shoreline, and Keystone House Silent Auction in Norwalk.
Happier Made Simple™: Straight Talk for Successful Living
Change Your Life with Seven Phrases. When did happiness get so complicated? From Randye’s next book, Happier Made Simple™, an interactive program to lift you from being defined by your obstacles with five basic concepts and seven simple phrases.
Communication, Media and Presentation Skills
Learn how to use your voice, body and brain to make public speaking fun – (Yes, you read this right) – and effective. Communication Skills that make a difference at work and home. What we’re missing in this age of instant but surface communication, and how to bring people – and happiness – back into your life, at work or play.
Mental Illness and Recovery: Advocacy, Empathy and Inspiration
As author of Ben Behind His Voices: One Family’s Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope, Randye presents to audiences of families, psychologists, clergy, non-profits, and anyone who provides services for those with mental illness.
Keynotes: Happier Made Simple™
Straight Talk for Successful Living
Randye’s signature program, Happier Made Simple™, can be presented as a keynote, breakout, or multi-session workshop, to fit your event or educational goals.
Happier Made Simple™ BREATHE elements: (each can also be a stand-alone keynote or session)
Being (AKA Mindfulness): Be Here Now
Reality (AKA Acceptance): It Is What It Is.
Engagement (AKA Human Connection): We’re All Connected
Appreciation (AKA Gratitude): This Is Good.
Trust (AKA Faith): All Will Be Well
Humor (AKA Perspective): Isn’t That Interesting?
Esteem (AKA Self-Love, Self-Care): Whatever Happens, I’ll Handle It Somehow.
and then summarized with bonus tips on Communication and Taking Action.
“When did happiness get so complicated?”
From Randye’s bestselling book, Happier Made Simple™, an interactive and fun program to lift your life to greater success with seven simple phrases. (Mom was right. Use your words!)
Rave Reviews for Happiness
“We continue to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from our management team on Randye's programs. She has been a true partner that has worked with us on a number of training needs. Randye is passionate about what she does and brings 100% every time. She is easy to work with, takes feedback and actively seeks to close learning gaps. We look forward to a continued partnership with her!
— Steven Guglietta, Director of Talent Development, COCC, https://www.cocc.com/
August 1, 2023, Steven was Randye’s clientAugust 1, 2023, Steven was Randye’s client
“Randye is one of the rare individuals who not only is able to create the essence of wisdom by creating the talk called: “Happier Made Simple™,” but also has the extraordinary ability to command the audience as well. She is motivating as well as captivating and is one of the best speakers I have ever heard on this subject. Her message no only hits the target but also aims at the heart of the listener and with persuasive precision.”
— Lionel Ketchian, Founder of the Happiness Clubs :: www.happinessclub.com
“Your presentation was meaningful, captivating, interactive and instructive. I think you got people to step back and assess their lives and their good fortunes despite any hardships they might have to deal with. I have only heard positive responses to the talk…and I think people are breathing more!!!”
— Wendy Bloch, Kennedy Center
The Toss and Dare Workshop:
Create Space and Spark Possibility
1 hour to full day workshop
This conversation is perfect for anyone who is...
Overwhelmed by mind and space clutter and confused as to how to break through
Anyone who feels stuck when reaching for goals
Those reluctant to risk that "first or next" step toward their big dream
The audience will leave with the following:
A new focus and structure about what to “toss” out – from things to our business and home lives – and the three ways it happens
Why do we let our dreams stay as fantasies, and how to change them into goals we can reach
The mindset – and skills – to turn “Dare” into “Do!” – one step at a time
Prior attendees have said :
" A very cathartic session. Randye Kaye is a wonderful facilitator who engages everyone. Helped me put priorities in perspective. " - Leslie
"Randye Kaye's "Toss and Dare" workshop is a must for everyone. Randye created several techniques, based on years of research used to empower and invigorate oneself. You will learn proven techniques to let go of past behaviors that prevent you from being happy and fulfilled. Thanks to Randye, I am moving forward and feel unstoppable. I am daring myself to do something new that I may have been afraid to try. This workshop has made me realize my potential and enabled me to do what makes me happy!" - Harriet
"Randye's workshop helped propel me into action.Randye is engaging, funny and clever. I was inspired to immediately take action! " - Pat Lore, Headline Productions
Keynotes: Communication
Communication, Media & Presentation Skills
Storytelling That Sticks: Connect, Captivate and Drive Results
Humans connect best, create lasting impressions, and often learn most effectively through story.
Storytelling – whether one-on-one with a colleague, in an interview, as part of a presentation or speech, or during an elevator pitch - is critical to the success of any professional.
What gets in our way?
- We don't think stories matter (WHY Stories?)
- We think we don't have any stories to share - or that they aren't interesting enough. (WHERE stories?)
- We don't know how to take a story and have a way to tell it compellingly and succinctly (HOW Stories?)
- We're terrified - or lack the confidence and skill -to get up there and speak! (TELL Stories!)
Fortunately, storytelling is a learned skill. And - you can, and should, be yourself.
Randye uses her work as actor, improv teacher and storyteller (books, podcast, stage radio) to show you kow.
Learn and practice the skills to make your story stand out, - in a safe, supportive and fun space.
From Introvert to Influencer: Crafting Compelling Presentations
What Actors Know (and You Can Learn) about Public Speaking. Learn how to use your voice, body and brain to make public speaking fun (Yes, you read this right) and effective.
From attendees at ACUA Sample Comments:
“Dynamic presentation”
“Excellent bring her back”
“Very good presenter and teacher.”
“Excellent little exercises to force people to learn and retain. Very interactive – excellent speaker! Because of this session, I believe I improved my own presentation that took place later on in the week”
“Excellent speaker. Had a lot of fun in her class”
Life on the Voiceover List
Randye will speak to your organization about any aspect of the Voiceover business – what it’s like, what skills are used, how it works. She is a renowned international Voice Talent and Coach, heard in everything from commercials to medical tutorials to children’s books.
“Randye's coaching style is the perfect blend of tough love and supportive friend who does everything she can to encourage and push you at the same time. She is so experienced and full of knowledge but never made me feel intimidated. She pulled out nuances and exposed flaws I couldn't hear myself. She took time to break down the copy with me and reminded me that it's all about the story we're telling and the emotions we evoke. I love working with Randye!”
—Tracy Lindley, Voice Talent
“I really loved last night’s program about narrating audiobooks. I wanted to let you know how amazing I though your reading was, and your talk was so interesting. The characters were so vibrant to me when you read out loud! All the people there enjoyed your talk.”
— Susan Mack, Kent Memorial Library
Mental Wellness at Work and Beyond
Preventing Meltdowns with Mindfulness. Communication skills that Make a difference at work and home.
“We continue to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from our management team on Randye's programs. She has been a true partner that has worked with us on a number of training needs. Randye is passionate about what she does and brings 100% every time. She is easy to work with, takes feedback and actively seeks to close learning gaps. We look forward to a continued partnership with her!”
—Steve Guglietta, CPC, Director of Talent Development, COCC
Comments from attendees, ACUA and Ct. Podiatric Association:
“It was informative and gave me a different perspective when looking at stressful situations. Thank you for your time and help!”
— Dr. Dan Davis, Podiatrist
“Very important and informative – and funny!”
— Medical Assistant
“Inner office conflict is one of my biggest hurdles. I came away with some food for thought. Thank you.”
— Office Manager
“Presentation was absolutely relevant to the workplace, and even more so to “life” which carries through to the workplace. Definitely increased my awareness of aspects of stress and provided tools to practice with. Will think about my reaction to have better outcomes!”
— Office Manager
“It has helped me to be aware of not only myself but also of other people and what they may be going through. I really enjoyed listening to you; you taught me a great deal that will help me in both my work and in personal life. My husband will appreciate it!”
— Medical Assistant
“I really enjoyed your speech. I learned a lot of important things, especially how to deal with different situations and how to have total control of myself.”
— Attendee
Engage for Maximum Impact™: Show Up, Reach Out, Let In
What we’re missing in this age of instant but surface communication, and how to bring people – and happiness – back into your life, at work or play.
“Randye Kaye consistently wowed our participants with warmth, humor, knowledge and presentation skills. The participants have fun, are engaged, and learn by experiencing concepts, not just by hearing about them. She makes the day enlightening, fun – and funny.”
— Patricia Foltz, Fred Pryor Seminars/Career Track
“We brought Randye in as a Master Facilitator for our MAGIC of Customer Relations, Presentation Skills and MAGIC Email Writing programs. She quickly became one of our most requested presenters. She gets fantastic results from her attendees, and consistently receives outstanding reviews. Randye makes Communico look great and receive consistent referrals!”
— Wally Haulk, Senior VP, Communico
From Mundane to Meaningful: Reclaiming Purpose, Community and Creativity at Work
Through stories, improv and collaboration exercises, attendees will learn to:
Trust their creativity to change their perspective on work
Discover ideas for making the most of their current duties
Reignite the enthusiasm, confidence and integrity to succeed
Appreciate and enhance relationships with co-workers to get more out of each day - and create networks of support
Keynotes: Mental Health
Author / Book Reading Events
Ben Behind His Voices
Randye (also narrator of the award-winning audiobook of Ben Behind His Voices) speaks at libraries, bookstores, parenting events and via phone or Skype to book clubs of ten or more as schedule permits. Randye presents to audiences of families, psychologists, clergy, non-profits, and anyone who provides services for those with mental illness.
Randye is often in demand as a keynote speaker, including recent appearances for: APNA, APA, National Council Mental Health and Addiction; Arizona State; NAMI, several states and National; Fellowship Place in New Haven, Bridgeport Regional Business Council/Women’s Leadership Council; Fairfield University ; NAMI Walks Kickoff Luncheon; Workshop Leader at the “Passion in Action” Women’s Conference on the Shoreline, and Keystone House Silent Auction in Norwalk.
“Your reading last night at RJ Julia was very moving. You have such an inviting, unpretentious presence. And the stories you told sent shivers up my spine and some tears, as well. I can’t wait to read the entire book.”
— Alice Stitelman, Stitelman Associates
“Thank you for the wonderful book talk at Fairfield Library on Thursday. It was moving and hopeful and delivered with so much grace. We have gotten a lot of positive feedback.I hope this book goes on to help many more families struggling with mental illness–and to enlighten those who aren’t.”
— Rebecca Fletcher
“Your presentation at Barnes & Noble was terrific. The right mix of humor even in the face of devastation – and addressing the need for all who have a family member suffering from mental illness (or any illness) to have support, to be educated, and to find reasons to remain hopeful did, I’m sure, hit home for many and are so essential for audiences to hear. BRAVO!”
— L.A. Shapiro
“Thank you for such a moving presentation about your story and the story of so many others. It must be gratifying to offer help to others as we witnessed during the Q&A.”
— Nicole Cignoli, Trumbull Library
“I was at your reading tonight at the Ridgefield Public Library and I must say “Well done, sensitive and informative.” I have always admired your strength, fortitude and talent. A consummate communicator, you have touched and helped many people with your story. You offer hope, compassion and understanding to those who are embroiled in similar circumstances and that is a very special gift indeed.”
— Peter Grobe, Photographer
Mental Illness and Recovery
Advocacy, Empathy and Inspiration
SEARCH: What Families Need when Mental Illness Strikes
SEARCH stands for Support, Education, Acceptance, Resilience, Communication Skills, and Hope/ Humor.
What Families Need when Mental Illness Strikes
— Fiona Jones, Kennedy Center Inc.
“Thank you for being our featured guest speaker. Your story was informative, moving and thought provoking. I know there are many families who will learn from your courageous story and be better able to support and advocate for their children after reading about your experiences.”
— Mary Guerrera, Exec. Director, Fellowship Place (New Haven)
“Thank YOU! It was a wonderful event and everyone was captivated by you and by your story.”
— Michelle Sawyer, Laurel House
“Fellowship Place was very satisfied with everything …the content was spot on with what they were trying to accomplish with the event. Everyone that was in attendance got a lot out of it! ”
— Dan Dorwin, Cubed Squared
Engaging Family Members in SMI Recovery Partnership
Top Ten Steps.
National Council Conference 2012 (Speaker Zagat Rating 3.7 / 4) Session Comments:
“Randye is an excellent communicator, honest and from the heart.”
“This session showed me the how it feels on the other side of schizophrenia.”
“Fabulous speaker! Your story touched me in many ways. I teared up many times. Thanks for sharing your story.”
“Taught me how to have more empathy and understanding of the family’s experience of supporting an individual with mental illness.”
Change Your Mind: Reducing Mental Illness Stigma through Understanding
Coming soon, Mount Union University in Ohio.
Mental Illness and Your Congregation: How You Can Help Your Families
Rabbis, Pastors, and other faith leaders: one in four families is dealing with a major mental illness and they may feel afraid or ashamed to reach out. How you can help them.
“Thanks so much for your presentation at B’nai. You have helped our family not just with speaking out, but with learning to let others make our family’s life easier. Thanks.”
— Congregation B’nai Israel, Attendee
Creating Hope, Celebrating Potential
Keynote Speaker, Kennedy Center Inc Annual Awards Dinner – Bridgeport CT
“Randye, you delivered an inspirational keynote address and perfectly incorporated the theme Creating Hope, Celebrating Potential. Your heartfelt speech made the evening very memorable, for which I am grateful.”
— Martin Schwartz, CEO
The Power of Purpose
How Employment Strengthens the Recovery Process in Mental Health
“Your presence and presentation to us at our family and friends celebration at Bridge House is an experience that will energize us for a long time to come. As a mother of a son who lives with a mental illness you truly reached out and touched all of the parents and family members of our community. We felt the wisdom of your experiences and the love in which you lived them. Your support and heartfelt concern for all of us has helped us to continue to be loving and caring for all whom we share life with that deal with mental illness everyday. Thank you for sharing your book with us.”
Let’s Talk About It
How Telling Your Story Can Make an Impact and Help Create Change
“It was a pleasure to have you as our Key Speaker, I know that everyone enjoyed it , I know I did, as well as people I work with. It was very educational, real and moving.”
— Nelly Abkowicz, Institute of Living, Hartford
Look Up from the Paperwork
Seven Ways Mental Healthcare Professionals can make a Personal Difference
“I truly appreciated your candor, your humor, and your heart in speaking on this topic. I’d like to think I pride myself on empathy and compassion with all my patients, but I know after hearing you speak, I will double my efforts, all around, no matter the condition. Thanks again for a really worth while and inspiring talk.”
— Lauren, OTR, Bridgeport Hospital
“Your talk at the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference in California. was extraordinary and very moving, and I continued to be captivated by your book on the plane home. I will be teaching a group of sophomore nursing students in their Mental Health Nursing class this spring, and have made your book required reading for them over the winter break.”
— Joyce Shea, Fairfield University
“Thank you so much for sharing your insight and expertise with our attendees. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive! People have commented particularly on how you used the time to paint a picture of Ben as a person. This has been an important part of the focus here in the Psychiatry service.”
— Charles J. Morgan, MD, Chief of Psychiatry
For Media appearances and interview clips, please visit the Press Room.