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A Psychiatrist, A Mom/Advocate & A Judge Tackle Schizophrenia Treatment - Lisa Wexler Show
Dr. Christine Shapter, whose specialties include Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & author/radio host/podcaster, Randye Kaye, who has written extensively on experiencing life with a schizophrenic son, join Lisa Wexler to talk about the nature of schizophrenia, legal processes when people are in need of care and Randye's first experience navigating our criminal justice system.
On Your Mind Podcast: Guest on Journey’s Dream
Through the trenches of schizophrenia, love becomes our compass, resilience our strength, and hope our guide. A passionate advocate and author, Randye Kaye shares her journey as a mother navigating the challenges of having a child with schizophrenia, alongside two other mothers in a similar situation.