Life on the Voiceover List

Tips and Thoughts on Voice Acting


Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!

Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.

Relaxing into Real Life Radio Fun

Voice Over Talents almost always have a background that includes music, improv, broadcast, and/or stage/TV/film acting. In my case...well, I guess it's all of the above! After 15 years in full-time radio, I left to focus on voiceovers (well, there were other reasons, but let's just leave it at that for now) and when I look back - as with any relationship - I mostly remember the fun times.

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Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye

Voiceover Clients: Is the Goal Quantity or Quality?

I'm about to teach Edge Studio's "What Now?" Webinar, designed for students who have just completed their voiceover demo and now want to know -well - "what now?"The first thing I remind them is that they've been working all along on the next step: deciding where, and how, to look for the right clients for your brand of voiceover. And that process should have begun long before you receive your completed demo.

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Investigate Voice Over: the first step

Tomorrow night I teach another session for Edge Studio called "Investigate Voice Over." We call it the "IVO" - and it's taught frequently in our New York main studio, our CT and DC studios, in Los Angeles, and also via teleclass.If you've ever wondered about the true path to VoiceOver success, I can't recommend it highly enough. Got the Voiceover dream?

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Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye

Voiceover and Social Networking: Online or in person?

Here's an eye-opening article from PC World that provides a reality check re social media. Right now I'm working facebook, twitter, and the voiceover boards, since my first session today isn't until 2 pm. Yep, 80% of the VO business is spent marketing (well, that's one statistic I heard) - so how much of it do we want to do online? And how effective it is, really?

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Voiceover and Social Media - Why Not?

Trying Thumbtack today, thanks to my pal CourVO - will keep you posted! Always good to have your services listed.

Voiceover jobs come from all sorts of leads, in person, on the phone, online. Keep your skills sharp, your marketing constant, your desire to help others create a "sound first impression" in front.

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Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye

The Voiceover Community...Faffcon and more

Increasingly, my voiceover work is done from home - and so many others in this business (and others, I know) are finding the same trend affecting them. Very cool to send files to India (what's the time difference again?), but also so nice to work in my own back yard - which in this case includes Connecticut, New York and partsof Massachusetts.

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Investing in your own Voiceover Business

To quote Tom Daniels, a fellow VO talent and friend (at least on facebook!), If you have your equipment together (which today can be a laptop with free editing/recording software, a good USB Mic and a quiet area to record), you are just nanoseconds away from any location worldwide! The rest is passion, talent and marketing skills.

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Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!

Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.