Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Voices from the place where schizophrenia and real life collide
audio podcast or YouTube video
Schizophrenia in the Family. How do we cope? How can we help? We each have adult sons with schizophrenia and have written acclaimed books about it. We say it like it is, to help families, practitioners and those with SMI (serious mental illness) feel less alone...and learn. Randye Kaye, Mindy Greiling, Miriam Feldman...and guests.
Two more riveting memoirs from fellow MRQs (Mothers who Refused to Quit) Mindy Greiling and Miriam Feldman affected me so much I had to get in touch – and this new podcast was born:
What do we talk about?
Well, the truth. And we have guests, too. Some topics:
What’s Broken About the Mental Health system? – and how can it be fixed?
Early Detection
The Voices
What Is Schizophrenia? What is it like?
Family Loss and Needs
Where can you find it? Lots of places!
Audio: right here at (see below) or wherever you get your podcasts. Apple/iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or here on our host site buzzsprout.
our YouTube channel for this podcast Schizophrenia: three Moms in the Trenches
Randye’s youtube channel for Ben Behind his Voices speeches and interviews
please comment, subscribe, and share!
Who Are We?
Randye Kaye -Broadcaster, Actress, Voice Talent, Speaker, and Author (“Ben Behind his Voices”)
Miriam Feldman – Artist, Mom, Author “He Came in With It”
Mindy Greiling – member of the Minnesota House of Representatives for twenty years. Activist, Legislator, Author (“Fix What You Can“)
thank you! please comment, subscribe and share
Kimberly: (Facebook comment)
“This is one of the best podcasts I’ve heard on SMI and Schizophrenia. I have found so many resources and learned so much from the guest speakers and these three wonderful women advocates: Randye, Mindy, and Miriam. I am thankful for what you three ladies are doing. Through your podcast I have found hope and inspiration. I truly thank you for the work you are doing here.”
Jacqueline: (via Instagram comment)
” I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to tune into your podcasts. I’ve almost listened to all of them, I can’t get enough! You have impacted me greatly and I feel a part of my life has changed because of you. So, thank you!”
Susan –
A friend of a friend recommended your podcast and I can’t thank them enough for doing so. Have made my way through every episode and am so grateful for what you 3 do. I’ve shared w my Family to Family class and you have many more new listeners…Very grateful to you. Sending thanks and hope.
Christal Cori –
Thank you for this! My mother had schizophrenia, and it is great to have more conversation around this complex disease and its ripple effect.
Mary Troy
Thank you for your advocacy and for this outstanding podcast Randye! “It is what it is!”
Shelley Dillenberg, Facebook (bbhv reader group)
I listened. I feel like I personally know all 3 of you. Looking forward to the next one. I would love to join the discussion too..
Laura Baxter: (fb message)
Schizophrenia mom here. Thank you so much for sharing your story… God bless you hang in there.
Jody DeLeon:
I LOVED the first podcast and actually wanted to post it here . Is there a way to sign up for notifications with the podcast, so I can know when there is a new one ? I don’t want to miss it !
Jen Johnson
So critically REAL! Essential information and advice and incredible mothers!
Melanie Noble-Barket
♥️Thank you for providing these videos 😊 It’s just so helpful and comforting to hear your stories and experiences and to know I’m not alone in this nightmare. I also am thankful to learn about the books/authors and have read or recently ordered them all! I do wish there was an ability to have a Q&A, but I also understand the limitations.
Lynn Merritt Stewart –
Just yesterday, I listened to episode six on conservatorship. Of course, I’ve been loving every episode! Your three moms episodes have been fantastic! You’ve helped so many! Although my situation is different since I’m not dealing with schizophrenia you have also helped me! There are so many similarities with different types of mental illness! I really look forward to each new episode! Looking forward to episode seven!!
Living With Psychosis, Part 1 - Randye’s Story (told to SZ Society of York) -Ep. 91
I was delighted to join Christopher Grant (artist known as xoradmagical on social media), and Matthew Dickson (bicycled across Canada to raise funds for mental health services). You’ll hear the panel in three parts - First, my story of the family POV when psychosis occurs, then Matthew, then Christopher - who reminded me so much of my son Ben’s experience, it almost felt like I was having the conversation with him I wish I could have - if there were insight.
Ever wonder what psychosis feels like. From someone who has experienced it and now has the insight so many of our loved ones do not have?
Schizophrenia Society of York (SSY) collaborated with the Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSC) for this - their 4th annual panel event, "Duality of the Reality: Living with Psychosis."
I was delighted to join Christopher Grant (artist known as xoradmagical on social media), and Matthew Dickson (bicycled across Canada to raise funds for mental health services). You’ll hear the panel in three parts - First, my story of the family POV when psychosis occurs, then Matthew, then Christopher - who reminded me so much of my son Ben’s experience, it almost felt like I was having the conversation with him I wish I could have - if there were insight.
Hope for Troubled Minds -Tributes to Courage and Love - Guest: Tony Roberts (Ep. 80)
Tony is diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder with psychotic features. With a lot of professional and spiritual help, he has published three books - including Hope for Troubled Minds: Tributes to Those with Brain Illnesses and Their Loved Ones. Contributors include friends of the podcast Katie R. Dale (associate editor), Jerri Clark, Laura Pogliano, Charla Collins, Leslie Carpenter, Kevin “Earleybird” Earley, Catherine J. Rippee-Hanson and Randye Kaye)
Tony is a man with an unquiet mind who delights in the One who delights in him. He is diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder with psychotic features. With a lot of professional and spiritual help, he has published three books — Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission; When Despair Meets Delight: Stories to Cultivate Hope for Those with Mental Illness. And, Hope for Troubled Minds: Tributes to Those with Brain Illnesses and Their Loved Ones.