Life on the Voiceover List
Tips and Thoughts on Voice Acting
Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!
Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.
Voice 2012: Why Connect in Person?
Sure, Voice Talents communicate all day - but often to imagined listeners, while we are alone in our VO studios. Yes, we have facebook, skype, google + hangouts, twitter, e-mail and (oh yeah) the phone...but there's nothing like gathering together, face-to-face, to learn, laugh, gather inspiration and revel in the collective energy of one of the most amazing work communities ever: voice over professionals.
Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!
Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.