Voice 2012: Why Connect in Person?
Sure, Voice Talents communicate all day - but often to imagined listeners, while we are alone in our VO studios. Yes, we have facebook, skype, google + hangouts, twitter, e-mail and (oh yeah) the phone...but there's nothing like gathering together, face-to-face, to learn, laugh, gather inspiration and revel in the collective energy of one of the most amazing work communities ever: voice over professionals.
Why do it? Why spend $$ to fly to California, spend nights away from our studios, maybe prepare a session to present, risk laryngitis talking and laughing by the firepit until 2 AM?
Here are some really good reasons, from VOICE 2012.
FUN - watching Disneyland's World of Color with a bunch of other people who also pretend for a living is a blast. Children at heart. I almost cried three times.
CONNECTION - yes, other folks are crazy enough to give up a closet or a bedroom in order to talk into a microphone for a living.
INSPIRATION - How did others get where they are? What obstacles did they overcome? What keeps them inspired, professionally and personally? This is way deeper than e-mails.
with Joe Cipriano at the Garden Party playing “travel mic”
LIFE-SIZE connection - as much as I value my "online" friends, there's still something about shaking hands, hugging, laughing, looking into someone's eyes and having an in-person conversation.SHARING - still the most gracious, respectful, fun, giving community I've ever been a part of. Where else do you get to hear folks give away the secrets that have resulted in their success?
LEARNING -some tweet-worthy quotes from presentations and conversations - and when I download the audio from the other sessions, I'm sure there will be more.
Marc Cashman: always ask a question sincerely.
Trish Basanyi: Make tweets 70% business, 30% fun.
Pat Fraley ...on copy analysis and acting choices: Before you perform, you have to be a professor. On prep...Protect your process. The engineer has a house because you take your time.
Stephanie Ciccarelli: Write your voices.com profile in third person.
Crispin Freeman: Acting is playing pretend. Do it so well they pay you to do it.
Bettye Zoller: If listeners know there's a script, we've failed.
David Goldberg (Edge Studio) : Be relevant. Know the changes in the voice-over industry and react to them.
Bill Farmer: (voice of Goofy) You have to LOVE what you do!
International Panel: Australia has a standard VO rate card - we all use it.
and thanks to Mike Raphone, who tweeted this quote from my presentation, "The Script is a Treasure Map": "If you don't open your mouth for a reason, you're just reading" -Randye Kaye
Still absorbing. Still following up with new and old friends. Still putting new info into action. Thanks to all - and I miss you already! But I can remember, when voicing that next script in my studio, I am not the only one talking to my imaginary friends and getting paid to do it.
Voice 2012 confirms what we already know: the Voice-Over Community Rocks!