Life on the Voiceover List

Tips and Thoughts on Voice Acting


Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!

Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.

You Are VO-Unique: How To Stand Out and Get Hired

Want to begin or expand your career in Voice Overs? You will hear this question, I guarantee it: “But there is so much competition. Why even bother?” Yep. That nay-sayer (even if it’s your own inner thoughts) is quite correct. Sorry, but it’s true…..well, at least the first half of the sentence is. How to […]

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Fascination: A Voice Talent Necessity

When you hear an ad on the radio, do you change the station, or do you listen and evaluate? Believable or fake? Interesting use of technique? The talent’s voice quality, emotional choice, use or pitch? Unusual accent or character? If you listen actively, and – even better – if you then imitate what you heard […]

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The Full-Time Eclectic Voice Talent: Many Eggs, Several Baskets

When I created my Voice-Over website with the amazing folks at Artist Upgrade, we wrestled with the age-old question (well, for voice talents, anyway): “Just” a Voice Talent, or? More? I opted for the latter. Yes, I am a full-time voice talent. My VO clients are my highest work priority. If you book me, the […]

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"All I Need is a Voice-Over Agent" - What??

Maybe that used to be the way, in the “olden days” of voice-over, which now means, maybe, a few months ago. Things are changing fast, and will continue to. Still, a great agent (which means a good match for you, and your skills), can help you get access to opportunities you might never have seen […]

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Why I'm Not a Voice Over Superstar- Yet

I recently heard from one of my agents, someone who represents me in Chicago. We hadn’t had any contact in awhile, so I was checking in to see if we should “break up” or not. You know. Weeding. What she said was both reaffirming and a wake-up reminder: The reaffirming part: “You are an amazing […]

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Investigate Voice Over: the first step

Tomorrow night I teach another session for Edge Studio called "Investigate Voice Over." We call it the "IVO" - and it's taught frequently in our New York main studio, our CT and DC studios, in Los Angeles, and also via teleclass.If you've ever wondered about the true path to VoiceOver success, I can't recommend it highly enough. Got the Voiceover dream?

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Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye Voiceover, Voice Talent, Voice Acting Randye Kaye

Voiceover and Social Networking: Online or in person?

Here's an eye-opening article from PC World that provides a reality check re social media. Right now I'm working facebook, twitter, and the voiceover boards, since my first session today isn't until 2 pm. Yep, 80% of the VO business is spent marketing (well, that's one statistic I heard) - so how much of it do we want to do online? And how effective it is, really?

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Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!

Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.