The Full-Time Eclectic Voice Talent: Many Eggs, Several Baskets
When I created my Voice-Over website with the amazing folks at Artist Upgrade, we wrestled with the age-old question (well, for voice talents, anyway):
"Just" a Voice Talent, or? More?
I opted for the latter.
Yes, I am a full-time voice talent. My VO clients are my highest work priority. If you book me, the job will be done on time (well, usually before that deadline), at budget, and to your satisfaction. This is what I do for a living. The only thing standing in the way of your project is a prior commitment to another job - and you will know about that before you book me for your project.
So - does that leave room for the other things in my life? Can I let my clients know that I also do other things? Stage, on-camera, writing, speaking, teaching, broadcasting -- or, for that matter, parenting? rock climbing? (well, I don't actually do that, but you get the point. Maybe you do it!)
You bet. At least, that's what we decided. Because every other skill and experience in life makes us better voice talents. It's part of the package we offer. So on my website home page, we chose to include those gateways to my "other' work as stage/on-camera actress, author, and speaker.For potential voice-over clients, I send a direct link to my VO demo page - to make it easier for them. One extra click can lose you the audition. But I do not hide the rest of my experience. I'm proud of it. It doesn't distract me from my voice-over work. It enhances it.
Author- I can help clients with copy, if asked.
Stage/improv actress/Singer - Makes me a more creative talent for character work, animation, commercials...just about any area of VO, come to think of it.
Speaker. Teacher. - communication skills. Always handy.
Family Mental Health Advocate. I know my medical stuff. I am high on the empathy scale.
How About You? What's in Your Many Baskets?
Tons of my VO besties have "other" lives - and they are still Full-Time Voice Talents.
Liz Aiello is a voice and stage talent- and more. She just finished playing Mama Rose in Gypsy.
Dave Courvoisier seems to have three full-time jobs: Voice Talent, News Anchor, and Daily (!) Blogger
Jodi Krangle is a voice talent and vocalist. Her website proudly states this: Voiceover and Vocals .
Deb Stamp "also" teaches presentation skills.
Amy Snively is "also" a comedian, improv actress - and of course is the founder of and driving force behind Faffcon - a full-time job in itself.
Lisa Biggs (Little Voice. Big Talent.) fills her "spare" time by teaching acting, and coordinating the Voxy Ladies.
The list goes on and on....not to mention that, as in any F/T job, we each have a personal life as well - families, friends, hobbies.Yet every single one of us will get that project done for you on time, at budget, and to your satisfaction. This is what we do.
Entrees without Side Dishes? Boring!
Unique VO Talents
If Voice Acting is the entree of our work lives, then everything else we do serves to enhance it - like side dishes that complete the picture. Like sprinkles on the ice cream. Icing on the cake. (OK, I will stop now....)
So yes, I am "also" a published author (Ben Behind His Voices), family mental health advocate, stage and improv actress, singer, speaker, teacher, blogger, radio host (The Life Talk Show), wife, Mom, and more.
But I am still a full-time Voice Talent - because each and every client can count on me to deliver even more than I promise.
And so it is for most of the truly awesome VO Peeps I have been priveleged to know. Our eclectic lives make us better Voice Talents. Clients count on us to be the Full-Time Talents we are. We prioritize. We deliver. We know which basket needs our full-time attention, and when.
How about you? It's an individual choice - and yes, if your "other" jobs are don't seem as obviously "connected" to Voice Acting , you may make a different choice. But... it could also help your brand, and your client relationships, to share the info. One of our Edge Studio VO students, formerly a math teacher, now makes most of his VO $ reading math textbooks. Another began with a niche that grew out of his work as a construction contractor. Complete with a hammer-and-nail logo. He started with voicing construction tutorials, and grew his business from there. Just sayin'.
Eclectic Voice talents, stand up loud and proud.
What's in your other "baskets", and how does it make you a better Voice Actor? Feel free to share!