Life on the Voiceover List
Tips and Thoughts on Voice Acting
Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!
Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.
The 3 F-words That Sabotage Your VO Productivity: Fear, Freezing and Facebook
…or why I probably won’t be wishing you happy birthday on Facebook anymore (unless you are family). Apologies in advance. I love you anyway. Every Monday Morning, and once a month in two other cases, I log onto google hangouts and meet with my voiceover mastermind peeps. These groups were born at faffcon and WoVO […]
Voice Talents: Go Outside and Play! (and Faffcamp)
For mental and physical health, make room for actual physical contact with other real live humans - and the world outside our sound-dampened spaces. Conferences like Faffcamp, and/or get outside and play!
Voiceovers... and The Lure of "Normal"
When I was 17 years old, I made a vow that I would never work a Monday-Friday 9-to-5 job. It made sense at the time. I’d just finished ten weeks doing just that in Manhattan, the summer before college, to earn tuition money. It had seemed like a great opportunity, assisting in the publicity department […]
The Best Laid Plans...are still a good idea
What? Didn't meet all your monthly voiceover goals? Look at what you did get done -both on the checklist and off it. Transfer those "un-done" tasks to the next month - and celebrate what happened instead.
The Full-Time Eclectic Voice Talent: Many Eggs, Several Baskets
When I created my Voice-Over website with the amazing folks at Artist Upgrade, we wrestled with the age-old question (well, for voice talents, anyway): “Just” a Voice Talent, or? More? I opted for the latter. Yes, I am a full-time voice talent. My VO clients are my highest work priority. If you book me, the […]
Fruits vs. Laurels:The Balanced VO Life
Running a voice-over business is not for sissies. Nor is it for dreamers who don't take steps toward the dream. We know we can't just rest on our laurels...but at times, we do need to enjoy the fruits of our labors.
Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!
Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.