What's it Like?: 20 Greatest Memoirs in Mental Illness
Another great resource, especially if you're looking to contribute your experience professionally, and want to get your Masters' Degree online : Masters in Health Care . This latest blog post also lists the 20 Greatest Memoirs in Mental Illness. Whether you have been diagnosed yourself, are providing services professionally, or as a family member (lots of work, no salary!), getting the insiders' view is invaluable.
If this were my list, I'd add the following memoirs:
Henry's DemonsThe Day the Voices Stopped His Bright LightCrazyBeautiful BoySomeday I hope Ben Behind His Voices will make this list. When it does, I'll know that its message of hope and its dose of reality will have reached more readers - and that the message will spread. Guess it's a bit much to expect to be on here, since the publication date is still a few months away! Want a peek? Amazon has it for you.