What Schizophrenia Steals - Emotions Deeper in the Trenches

Show Notes

A “Just Us 3 Moms, Digging Deeper” Episode.

Tonight we just talk about our boys - and what we’ve lost, what they have lost.

Feeling even more alone than ever? Not only is your family member diagnosed with schizophrenia, but you have your own reactions and emotions to deal with - what is “normal”? What do other families feel? What are the stages of these reactions? What can be done?  

We Three Moms have been there...are there...and we open up to share the raw truth with you. This podcast strives to explore issues, open minds, offer solutions...but we also promise to tell our truths.  This is one of those episodes.

We touch on:

Anger, Grief, Helplessness, Fear, Guilt Resentment, Exhaustion - all normal feelings 

What Siblings Lose

Family events - Changes in Routine (like travel) - possible with schizophrenia? 

Grief - and how the process can differ (and repeat) with Schizophrenia in a loved one

The land of “What might have been…” sorrow - what have we lost? 

The Burden Families Feel

When the Life Behind the eyes is gone

Bravery of our sons - They Try so Hard

Parental Fantasies, Expectations - and the Truth

Vulnerability of Loving

Getting Back to Joy in Real Life: Gratitude, Art, Advocacy, Feel but Don’t Wallow, Reality



“I see this damage to all my children - and that’s the thing I think that’s most painful” - Mimi

“There’s no life behind his eyes. What happened?” - Randye’s daughter

“You can’t reason with mental illness.” - NAMI saying

“What makes schizophrenia especially cruel is: it’s just such a shock” - Mindy

“In a sense, you have to let go of the idea of a future, and that is a particularly excruciating thing to have to do” - Mimi

“If you’re lost in crisis...get support, get education...reach out...don’t hide in the closet. You’re not alone.” - Randye 


Randye and Ali on More than My Diagnosis.com


Miriam Feldman Facebook “analogue Life”


Miriam and Nick on ABC News:


Mindy’s Talk for Mental Health Association of San Mateo County:


Randye’s talk for Mental Health Association of San Mateo County:


    Who are the 3 moms?


Randye Kaye -Broadcaster, Actress, Voice Talent, Speaker, and Author (“Ben Behind his Voices”)

Miriam Feldman – Artist, Mom, Author “He Came in With It

Mindy Greiling – member of the Minnesota House of Representatives for twenty years. Activist, Legislator, Author (“Fix What You Can“)


Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye is a world-renowned female voice talent for business and beyond. She is the author of two books; Happier Made Simple™ and Ben Behind His Voices. As an actress she has appeared in numerous theatrical, film and television performances. Randye is a keynote speaker on the topics of mental health, communication, and happiness.


Rethinking Clozapine: Should it be the First Resort to Treat Schizophrenia? - with Dr. Robert Laitman


AfterWords - Stopping the Revolving Door - Assisted Outpatient Treatment